Finding my place
The month started with a move from a small room at the church to a nearby townhouse. On my time off, I have been making the place mine, but on a tight budget — so there were DIY projects, creating artwork, sourcing cultural keepsakes, and hunting clearance and second-hand items to furnish the place.
This quest got me out into various neighbourhoods and interacting with many people, which helped me overcome the obstacle of the Paraguayan dialect and accent. I continue to learn Guarani (one of the two official languages) independently.
This quest got me out into various neighbourhoods and interacting with many people, which helped me overcome the obstacle of the Paraguayan dialect and accent. I continue to learn Guarani (one of the two official languages) independently.

GATS seminar
Special guests Stephen and Yvonne Nix; Paul and Julie McGhghy; and Jerry Burns were invited to teach at a two-day GATS (Global Association of Theology Studies) seminar for Bible school teachers and future teachers.
What a privilege it was to be a participant! I even got a certificate for it. I only mention the certificate because mine was presented with a last name that is not mine. This happens to me a lot. :P
Participating pastors treated me like a celebrity, mostly because of my height. I was mistaken for the Bir's granddaughter because they are fairly tall. So, I posed for their cameras while visually pointing out our height differences.
All silliness aside, the wisdom of veteran bible school teachers was valuable to me. I plan to infuse what I learned into my teaching methods.
Christian School
English classes
The last week of July, I shadowed Lanae's English classes, as I will be taking over a few classes in August because, sadly, her term is coming to an end.
Worship Service
A bunch of us, under the direction of Sis Bir, put on a puppet show. I am so happy that fanning over Jim Hansen's work has equipped me to be an okay novice puppeteer! I was also tasked with creating the sun and cloud for the stage design. The kids learned about reaping and sowing, all while being entertained.
Word's out that I will be performing as Jesus in two weeks.
Each year, the school puts on a school carnival called the Gran Kermesse. The kids and their families all come to eat traditional foods and play games for prizes. I did not catch any photos, as I was busy at the prize centre. :D

Youth Conference
Last Saturday, AIMer Lanae and I attended a youth conference in Luque. It was good to worship and pray with them, but best of all, we received the Word together. I can not wait to meet with them again.
Iguazu Falls
There have been only a few places that have taken my breath away: Petra, Jordan; Machu Picchu, Peru; and, oddly, St Paul's Cathedral, England. Not only did the falls take my breath away, but my jaw dropped to the ground as my eyes tried to make sense of the majesty of it all.
AIMer Lanae and I visited both sides of the falls, the Argentinian side and the Brazilian side. Word of advice: It is hard to pick a favourite side because they both offer unique experiences. Do both.

Sunday school
Although I have not taught Sunday School since my AIMer days in Uganda, I love being hands-on with kids. This time around, I am assisting with a younger age group.
The theme this month was all about missions. The Jonah lesson was assisted by props I created — a kid's favourite was the big ugly fish with a see-through belly. An Oscar-worthy portrayal of Father Abraham was depicted by yours truly, me!